Fall 2022

Professor Pin-Huang Chou
886-3-4227151 ext 66270



This is a course in introductory econometrics. This means that it will cover statistical topics that are of interest in econometrics and probably other related fields. Basically it will cover linear regression analysis of single-equation and multiple-equation models. The course in intended as an introduction to econometric models, and to be a useful prerequisite to further study in advanced (theoretical) econometrics, especially that is of interest to (empirical) study in finance.

The prerequisites for the course are a basic knowledge of statistics and a little bit of matrix algebra. Students should have had at least one semester course in statistics. There is no requirement for linear algebra, but some familiarity with matrices is necessary.

There will be a midterm and a final exam, the dates of which will be announced later. There will also be some problem sets to do during the semester, and hopefully some that require computing with certain econometric software (e.g., SAS, EViews, R, Matlab); being familiar with some  econometric software(s) will be very helpful when you are in the stage of writing a thesis.

TextbookPin-Huang Chou, 2022, Econometeics: Theory, Concept and Applications, Yehyeh Publishing Co.


1.        Introduction

2.        Review of Statistics (1): Probability

3.        Review of Statistics (2): Estimation and hypothesis testing

4.        Matrix algebra

5.        Classical linear regression models

6.        Additional topics on CLRM

7.        Dummy variables

8.        Analysis under non-spherical disturbances

9.        Heteroscedasticity

10.     Autocorrelation

11.     Generalized method of moments

12.     Discrete and limited-dependent variables models: A premier



Midterm exam


Final exam




Class presentation and participation




Class Hours: Tuesday, 9:00 -- 11:50 AM.